Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm not sure what's going on, but I just haven't felt motivated to make jewelry lately. Yes, I've made Christmas jewelry, but that's been from pictures I saw on websites that gave me major inspiration. Now I'm left with the beads I've picked out and the random ideas in my head. Am I depressed? Or am I scared people won't like my stuff? Or maybe a little bit of both. I think it's more being scared really. I know some people have said they like my stuff, but I haven't sold much of anything and I really think I don't have the confidence to put myself out there. There was the possibility of a custom wedding order this past Summer and I made this sample piece that was sort of based off another piece the client showed me. I ran around for three days trying to find everything I would need and had to make sure I'd be able to get more so I could make 10 of them if she wanted them. But when I showed it to her she changed her mind. I think that kind of shot down my confidence in my ability to create something out of nothing. I don't really like to show my weaknesses and be vulnerable because I don't take it well when I feel rejected. I know it's been months since this happened, but maybe it's still affecting me. I like to create things and I like to use my imagination. I even used to write, but hardly anyone ever read it unless I wanted them to. I also used to paint and crochet and again, I didn't like to show my work to a lot of people. Same thing with my piano playing too. I love to play, and I'm good, but I don't want to play in front of people. I need a way to build my confidence and self esteem up and I know the only way to do it is to put myself out there, but I'm scared. I don't even know if I have the guts to post this right now...but I know I should.

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